
Programmed a lot, communicated nothing. 

 Once again, stuck in the old routine. The more I code, the less I feel like sharing updates. I mostly just want to talk about what’s still left to do because I’ve already forgotten what I’ve accomplished.

Building Destruction:

It’s just so much more satisfying when a building is properly levelled to the ground. Unfortunately, this is the only building that has this privilege so far. Do I need to hire a pixel artist? Has anyone here ever commissioned one? Character sprites are still fun to make, but creating a whole building is quite a lot of work.

Finding Bugs (or rather, Creating Them):

Just create a few thousand units and hope it all still work....

Influence Areas

To make construction more interesting, I’ve added influence zones. Certain structures can only be built within the influence of another building. Others gain a production bonus if they are placed inside an influence zone.

In the image, you can see the influence zone of a farm (green), and the yellow area represents the sacred influence of the Kakapo. Buildings inside this sacred zone produce 50% faster. Fields for food production can only be placed in the green area.

There are new enemies, new upgrades, new buildings (well, a well, a school, and a bank), and a ton of other adjustments.

Oh, and right-click is back in the game!

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